40% reduction in property value

In this section we will be posting studies which have quantified the reduction in property values for properties with transmission lines running on or near them.

We will save you some research to note the the reduction is 40% or more. If your property was worth $200,000, add transmission lines nearby and it’s now worth $120,000.


Because most people don’t want to have anything to do with a power transmission line. They realize the hazards. In terms of scenic views, steel transmission line towers rank at the absolute bottom of the list.

Theres a property out on 221 with transmission lines running through it that has been for sale for at least 4 years or so, maybe longer. So if you have a property you can’t sell, then it didn’t lose 40 percent of it’s value it lost all of its value. No one wants transmission lines. They rank just above a landfill and then a nuclear waste dump.

Have you ever seen a real estate ad featuring views of transmission lines? No, you haven’t.

“Panoramic views” is a common phrase in real estate ads. “panoramic views of transmission lines” is not.

But wait, it gets even worse because to achieve this reduction the lines don’t even need to be on your property. This is important to understand because in this way a property owner gets no eminent domain seizure money, but their property is effectively condemned anyway due to hazardous EMF and the fact that no one in their right mind would want to buy a view of transmission lines, the same kind they are moving farther away from schools. Kids only spend 8 hours a day in school. They spend 2 times more than that at home.

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